When starting your own business you may need to provide work for a fee. That may bring up an issue where potential customers may not always pay when they say they will pay, pay timely or you may have specific types of terms and conditions you want for your particular business that are unique.
You may need a strong and secure business fee agreement. A Business Fee Agreement is a work for hire contract. It falls between a one-time contract and full-time employment contract. Its distinguishing feature is that the employer pays in advance for work to be specified later. Additional contracts regarding the performance of this work may also apply.
A fee can be paid on a fixed, pre-negotiated rate or on a variable hourly rate depending on the nature of the fee. Many businesses charge fees which they require their customers to sign fee agreements ahead of time. These Fee Agreements will govern the business between the parties if a dispute over the work or the fee should take place in the future. To protect yourself, your businesses fees, and your customers allow LOKK LEGAL to draft a customized and personalized Fee Agreement for your business.